Friday 13 July 2012

Our First Long Drive

I saw a dream last was our first long drive were sitting next to me... smiling at me...feeling a first moment i was looking at the road and on the other i was looking at you...we were on a journey..journey of our life.....only you and one else was there....your right hand was trying to touch fingers of my left hand when it was on a gear lever...i could smell the aroma of your favorite was magical...resplendent.....the road was endless like i always imagine our life together till infinite breeze was gushing through your hair and some of the layers of your hair were trying to touch my cheeks my lips in a  jiffy to jiffy...after a while i started driving while looking at asked why you are not looking at the road..i replied i have my angel with i have no fear of life....i know my GOD is with me smiled with wet eyes and cuddled me from my left side...God was showering the petals of flowers in the form of small rain drops in the success of our love story....I could never forget our first long drive.......!!!

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