Thursday 12 July 2012

I am Waiting For You

The day has past, and night has come
The sky is bright with stars
But I won’t move and I won’t sleep
I am waiting for you

The sun is rising to start the day
The grass still wet with dew
It’s been so long and still your gone
But I still wait for you

The days go by but I won’t cry
For I know you’ll be here soon
I won’t lose faith
I will not stray
I’ll stay and wait for you

But the days grow long and lonely
And you have yet to come
My hope is growing thinner
As the days drag on and on

5,6,7 days 8, 9 and more
And finally I see your face
As you open your car door

Your slow steps moving towards me
I know you are in pain
As you set a bouquet of flowers
Gently by my grave

Your eyes are sad and empty
Is there nothing I can do?
I reach out to touch your cheek
But my hand just goes right through

You stay a while in silence and grief
Then, hesitantly, you leave
I watch you go
And hope you know…
I am waiting for you.

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