Sunday 15 July 2012

Forever , I Will Wait

I sometimes feel my heart will burst
from wanting you so much
I can't explain in words of how
I long to feel your touch

There is no way I can convey
this emptiness inside
That seems to tear my soul to shreds
as time goes swiftly by

If I could merely hold you near
for just a little while
If I could simply talk with you
or only see you smile

To have you look into my eyes
and wait to hear you say
Something that would help me
to take this pain away

If I have to wait forever
I guess that's what I'll do
For me, it will be worth it
to finally be with you...

Saturday 14 July 2012

I miss you

My day was incomplete yesterday.....i missed you whole day...but you dint miss me i know.....i want you to miss me someday like i miss you ....i called my every friend to change my mind...but every time and with everyone the topic was yours....the topic was how can someone cannot understand the deep feelings of the other...i know you have been hurt in the past..i know you are too cautious....but please dont judge me with a biased mind....and stop loving anyone with is a feeling of a heart and let him do his duty please...i see u not in a day time but also in my dreams..its not i dont have other things to do..its just i have fallen in love with you..i have work too...i have friends too...but i love you truly now...and i am very happy that my feelings are true... at least i am not fake like other boys....i know i am being impatient...but dont you think i deserve more???? at the start you were so attached to had time for me...but now you are too busy.....when you have a right guy with you ,you are not valuing him.....why??? you loved the wrong ones in the past and hurting the right it fair????you are so intelligent.....what your speak of intelligence on this thing??? i have the same question from God why is HE so harsh with me????what is my fault??i am just in love with a girl .....that is true...yes it is pain of a heart and the water of eyes cant lie to me..i want justice...i want peace..i want love...!!!

Friday 13 July 2012

Our First Long Drive

I saw a dream last was our first long drive were sitting next to me... smiling at me...feeling a first moment i was looking at the road and on the other i was looking at you...we were on a journey..journey of our life.....only you and one else was there....your right hand was trying to touch fingers of my left hand when it was on a gear lever...i could smell the aroma of your favorite was magical...resplendent.....the road was endless like i always imagine our life together till infinite breeze was gushing through your hair and some of the layers of your hair were trying to touch my cheeks my lips in a  jiffy to jiffy...after a while i started driving while looking at asked why you are not looking at the road..i replied i have my angel with i have no fear of life....i know my GOD is with me smiled with wet eyes and cuddled me from my left side...God was showering the petals of flowers in the form of small rain drops in the success of our love story....I could never forget our first long drive.......!!!

Thursday 12 July 2012

I am Waiting For You

The day has past, and night has come
The sky is bright with stars
But I won’t move and I won’t sleep
I am waiting for you

The sun is rising to start the day
The grass still wet with dew
It’s been so long and still your gone
But I still wait for you

The days go by but I won’t cry
For I know you’ll be here soon
I won’t lose faith
I will not stray
I’ll stay and wait for you

But the days grow long and lonely
And you have yet to come
My hope is growing thinner
As the days drag on and on

5,6,7 days 8, 9 and more
And finally I see your face
As you open your car door

Your slow steps moving towards me
I know you are in pain
As you set a bouquet of flowers
Gently by my grave

Your eyes are sad and empty
Is there nothing I can do?
I reach out to touch your cheek
But my hand just goes right through

You stay a while in silence and grief
Then, hesitantly, you leave
I watch you go
And hope you know…
I am waiting for you.

My Pain....

I never wanted my love to irritate you......its my love and care for you which you think irritates you the a jiffy you said you dont wana be in a relationship as it steals your freedom...did u ever think what you are stealing from me???? its my life nothing else....i always dream my life with every small small every small small sorrow..i always dream to share with say you are practical...i say i am in say you cant reciprocate the feelings....i say i demand the say you dont expect a call or a message....i say i expect completeness from say you dont deserve me....i say it means i dont deserve my life...when you talk rude with me i feel like you are asking me to stop always say you have never seen a guy like me and you feel for me too...then why are you stopping yourself to come in my arms....i promise to give you the happiness you deserve...i promise to be loyal with you...i promise to be your man always...whenever i see my eyes in the mirror...i wish to see the glimpse of you in them...i know you stay there....i am waiting for you and will always wait for you ......!!!

You Don't Hurt Mee

My pain and my tears were always mine...they are coming out slowly and gradually...not because you hurt me...its because they are making space for you to stay forever in my heart and eyes...!!!

Monday 25 June 2012


I want morning and noon and nightfall with you.... I want your tears, your smiles, your kisses...the smell of your hair, the taste of your skin, the touch of your breath on my face..... I want to see you in the final hour of my die in your arms as I take my last breath......!!!