Monday 21 May 2012

I know my life was unfair to me...So I started dreaming ...dreaming about the place and the land where there will be no and respect will be the religion and faith of everyone...where men and women will be loyal to each other...where children wont leave there parents to old age homes...where there will be no family which will sleep without food...where there will be no non curable disease...where love and respect will speak...where there will be the respect of behavior not of age...where women will be treated as equal to men in real term...where tears and emotions will have value...where the relationships will be selfless and meaningful...where men will run after peace and respect....where choice of partner will be based on character,nature and thoughts of a person not only looks or money...where everyone will have shelter to live...good food to eat...good income to survive...where rich will respect the poor...where there will be no dowry system...where there will no killing of men...where there will be no borders...where people will be God fearing in real way...where people will think hundreds of times before breaking anyone's heart...where hospitals will have less patients....where mosques,temples,gurudwara and churches will have more crowd...where a man will have a value of a man...!!!


  1. beautiful thoughts...great start..u r really creative..keep writing more..

    1. @nishi thanx....same to u :) ur words r precious to me :)
